Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer is Almost Here

So much has been going on lately. Summer is almost here, and the weather goes from being beautiful to being cold and rainy. Ahh, it's just that time of year. 

I got pinned for my graduation. I am so excited. July 1st I finish classes and July 18th I get to walk. I never got to walk for high school so this is big for me. 

This is a Picture of those of us that were pinned for graduation on Tuesday.

I have also become a WIP whore, who's kidding, I've always been one, its just more obvious now.
Pictures of newer Projects:
Cotswold/Angora/Angelina, Hand-dyed, Hand-carded, by my mom This is a 1 oz batt, give or take, that I am spinning on a Spindle to see how it spins up.
a href="" title="005 by majikpotion, on Flickr">005
I'm calling this Bubble Wrap. It reminds me of Bubble Gum. This is going to be a wrap when I am done. Really easy knit, I am about 80% through it now. Pattern is on my Rav Page.
This is a really bad picture, but this is the Dragon Scales Shawl. I am working on this for my mom, its a really late Mother's Day present, I am about 50% through.

So, This is it for now. Hopefully, it won't take me as long to update next time.